Flying up the Sound of Islay…

June 22, 2010

The boat seems to have found some sort of tidal charge, or possibly just a kindly wind up the Sound of Islay and has fair romped the last few miles. To my untutored eye they seem to have made significant ground on the leading boats slogging up the Sound of Jura. Keep watching the nail-biter here. Remember, if they get to Corpach around the same time as the other boats, they have a very good chance of overall victory. Crispin and Stewart had a blinder in the Lakes, after a steady effort in Wales. This may have blown their legs to pieces, but the psychological effect of their win on Leg 2 on them will be wonderful, and assuming their competitors know the split times, they’ll be looking with worried respect at this team of impressive first-timers.

3 Responses to “Flying up the Sound of Islay…”

  1. Rucha Says:

    Go on Stewart and Crispin – very excited in mid-Wales!! Rucha

  2. Rucha Says:

    Hi Naomi, terribly stressful!! Aren’t they clever, I’m so proud!
    Yes, we must meet up, Stewart cooks a mean chilli when he’s not out running, you’d be welcome to come over for a meal sometime…
    Thank you to Damon for all the background information.

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